System evolution kinetics
The following text is a renewed version of two published
articles (Crevecoeur,1993,1994).
1. Concept of ageing or evolution kinetics
A system is defined as a group of many interlocking parts
operating together with a common goal (after
Forrester, 1968: "many" was added). This is a different definition than the
usual, when people speak of systems of two components etc. Because of the many
elements, some kind of "complexity" appears and one will rather call such
systems "complex systems". A "macro-system" is defined by the huge difference of
scale between the system and its unitary components: say factor one to 1
billion, or to 1 billion of billions or Avogrado's number. The unitary
components may be assembled in subsystems. For instance, a piece of metal
composed of atoms (assembled in grains), a cell composed of molecules (assembled
in subunits of different functionalities), a body composed of cells (assembled
in organs and subsystems) and an universe composed of stars (assembled in
galaxies) are macro-systems. Here we will speak only of macro-systems and simply
call them "systems". In order to be precise, we will define the class of systems
we are studying as follows:
When subjected to operating conditions, the
subparts and their interconnexions steadily reorganize in an adaptive process
saving the integrity of the whole. The adequacy of the adaptive responses will
depend on the system's internal organization and the material and energy
available to carry out the solutions. The resulting ageing of the system can be
modelized by the combination of many positive and negative first order feedback
loops which occur in the subparts of the system when time elapses. Note that
ageing is taken in the sense of an evolution or progress in time, without giving
any qualitative value to these words: it is just the displacement of the system
along the positive time axis in a quadri-dimensional space-time. The words
ageing and evolution are thus considered to be synonyms in the present text. The
feedback loops are the result of the step-by-step adaptation of the system to
its operating conditions. The schematic view of a negative first order feedback
loop is showed in Figure 1.
A very simple way to understand what happens is the
following. The operating of the system results in internal challenges on the
subparts which may jeopardize the system's integrity. The subparts have to adapt
to the challenges in due time in order to allow further operation of the system
as a whole. At each time, each subpart will modulate its available operating
resources in a way to give the most appropriate response to the particular
challenge it has to meet. The corresponding mathematical expression is given by
Equation (1).
However, during operation, the
challenges are not removed: they appear again and again, sometimes on a steady
base sometimes not, with given kinetics depending on the operating constraints.
It may happen that because of the kinetics or because of the kind of operation
constraints, the adaptations in the subparts be sometimes non-standard even if
satisfactory for the further operation of the system. The word "non-standard"
means "different from what could be expected from the past behaviour". This may
result in changes of information for neighbouring subparts about what their
challenges are. Their responses could then also become non-standard. There will
be a snowball effect: non-standard responses will induce differing assessments
of the challenges which in turn will induce other non-standard responses. This
corresponds to positive first order feedback loops as showed in Figure 2. The corresponding mathematical
expression is an increasing exponential: see Equation (2).
Indeed, supposing the increase in the number "z(t)" of non-standard responses at
any time to be proportional to this number (i.e., existing non-standard
responses are systematic sources of new non-standard response), one has :
dz(t)/dt=a .z(t) - with : a = constant - which becomes Equation (2) after
integration. Non-standard responses have no special value for the system.
Sometimes, they will improve the system's organization, sometimes, they will
hamper it locally.
evolution of the system as a whole with time will be the resultant of multiple
combinations of first order negative feedback loops (corresponding to local
adaptive responses) and positive feedback loops (corresponding to local
non-standard responses) on subparts.
Now, we have to take into account that the system is, by
definition, in a state of self-organized criticality. Therefore, the
intervals between adaptations will be statistically distributed according to a
power law. This will be reflected by a decrease of parameter "b" in Equation (1) with an inverse power of
time, the exponent being of the order of 1 to 2.
The combination of multiple negative and positive first
order feedback loops taking account of self-organized criticality will lead to
global evolution curves of the kind shown on Figure 3. This can
be illustrated on a simple example. The resulting ageing kinetics of the
system as a whole appears to follow three steps: (1) decrease - (2) near
constancy - (3) increase of the ageing rate. The first step corresponds to what
is usually observed as "learning". Many observations point to the
fact that these three steps are always the same and in the same sequence.
It must be emphasized that the kind of curve given in
Figure 3 is the envelope of the many internal processes which at each time
increment combine negative and positive first order feedback loops on subparts.
An important consequence of the present approach is that the system ages even if all subparts remain operational.
Indeed, ageing acts also on the interlinks (interconnexions) between subparts. These interlinks steadily reorganize
in an adaptive way involved in saving the integrity of the whole. However small flaws can result from the process
of steady reorganizations not only within the subparts but also for the interlinks themselves. These flaws will remain harmless
as long as the integrity of the whole is saved. Though after a short or long time, the accumulation of many small flaws
- distributed in an unpredictable way within the system - may result in global integrity loss leading to the collapse of the system.
Therefore, proceeding to periodical maintenance actions (repair, replacement, ...) on the subparts in a « good-as-new » approach
- as is often performed for (electro-)mechanical devices and industrial plants - is not sufficient to
avoid the ageing of the system.
Now, zooming onto small parts of the curve of Figure 3 will show irregular shapes as illustrated
on Figure 3-1 for regions in the
beginning and Figure 3-2 for regions at the end
of the curve. The actual shape will depend on the particular set of combinations
of negative and positive feedback loops for the system under consideration (see
alternative values of parameters in the example).
2. Mathematical model to describe the evolution of
The typical 3-step curve of Figure 3 is
well fitted by following equation:

Indeed, the envelope curve
of adaptation curves as given by Equation (1) taking
account of self-organized criticality in time, will be a power law with an
exponent less than unity.
When above equation is
derived in function of time (expressed by a point "." above the parameter), one

As will be illustrated
in chapter 5, these two equations are basic to describe the ageing or evolution
kinetics of systems. The reverse of parameter "a" gives the time scale
of the ageing or evolution process. We will see that this time scale can be
pretty different in function of the class of systems or particular evolution
process considered. For one case we will have the whole ageing curve of Figure 3 in a few seconds, while for
another case the process will last millions of years. Therefore, a period of
observations too small compared to the time scale of the evolution process can
occult part of the reality of the phenomenon. This must always be remembered.
For instance, Figures 5, 6 and 7 show what Equation E-1
gives with identical values of the parameters but different time scales, that
is, 1 000, 500 000 to 3 000 000 and 10 000 000 seconds, respectively. Only part
of the learning stage is seen in Figure 5, while
in Figure 6 we observe a quasi-linear behaviour typical for the second stage and
Figure 7 shows the full curve.
Moreover, we see that
systems following above equations will behave between two extremes:
(1) for a=0, E(t) reduces to the learning curve, i.e. it is purely
polynomial: the subparts of the system adapt fully to their successive
challenges ("they are not constrained towards non-standard responses") and there
is no snowball effect
(2) for b=0, E(t) is purely
exponential: non-standard responses accumulate exponentially (snowball effect)
and there is no adaptation at all.
These two types of
behaviour, polynomial and exponential, are encountered in several fields: reliability of systems, cosmology and biology.
Now let us further analyze the two equations of evolution.
The three parameters a, b and K are
constant as long as the physical constraints on the system remain constant. Let
us explain this.
(1) The system has to operate under
given conditions. In function of these conditions, the challenges on the
subparts will vary of intensity. Severe operating conditions will induce
challenges of higher intensity than mild operating conditions.
(2) Moreover, the intensity of the challenges on each
subpart will also depend on the internal organization of the system. A better
organization will allow better adaptations at each time increment and lower the
risk that non-standard responses be given to the challenges.
(3) Finally, physics commands that ageing or evolution
processes be temperature dependent (Arrhenius plots should be observed).
Let us call these three constraints: (1)the "stress S", (2) the
"organization W" and (3) the "temperature T" respectively. We have thus three more

The particular form of these equations must be determined
for each class of systems, for instance experimentally by fixing two constraints
and letting the third one vary. In some cases, this is already known thanks to
extensive published test results (see, for instance, results of creep tests). Let us emphasize the meaning of the "stressS". In the present
approach, the ageing or evolution kinetics of a system results from internal
adaptations to operating conditions and possible environmental challenges which
we called "constraints". What we usually observe is that these constraints induce stresses within the system,
which we may describe as "distorsions threatening the internal organization of
the system". The adaptations are related to the internal stresses rather than to
the constraints directly. Identical constraints will induce different stresses,
adaptations and ageing kinetics into systems of the same class but with
different internal organization. The "stressS" quoted above is the
resultant of all internal stresses at any time. It is therefore often difficult
to quantify its level. It will sometimes be necessary to proceed by successive
approximations based on experiments.
Now, as already mentioned, the reverse of parameter a gives the
order of magnitude of the timescale for the ageing or evolution phenomenon. Let
us analyze this more carefully. Physical processes that are described by growing
exponentials are prone to become unstable when the exponent reaches the value of
1. Let us therefore define a "critical time ti" such that ti=1/a. The corresponding "critical ageing point",
i.e., the point at which the ageing kinetics might become unstable, will be
called "Ei".
Equation E-1 can
then be re-written as Equation E-6. After ti, the system will
follow a path between sudden collapse and the continuation of the curve
described by Equations E-1 or E-6. This zone has been shaded in, for
instance, Figure 14. The
actual collapse of an individual system will occur at a time "tr" situated somewhere between the critical time
"ti" and the time "tf " corresponding to the time necessary to reach the
final evolution level if Equations E-1 and E-6 continued to be valid beyond
ti. The final
evolution level corresponds to the exhaustion of the resources preventing any
further evolution. After the critical time, the system usually no longer behaves
as a cohesive whole adapting to its operation constraints but it continues to
evolve. Along with the increase of number of non-standard responses there is an
increase in incohesiveness: the system has lost its integrity. The non-standard
responses occur more and more randomly and their distribution approaches a
normal distribution.
3. Predictions using the model
Two kinds of predictions can be
performed using the mathematical model of system evolution kinetics: (1) for a given system
in operation ; (2) for a class of systems when the behaviour of several systems
of the class is known. Of course, it is, at this stage, impossible to follow the
particular responses of each subpart to its challenges when time proceeds.
Therefore, it is not that kind of prediction which will be made that deduces the
behaviour of the system from the knowledge of the behaviour of its subparts. It
must be emphasized again that the equations used here reflect the global behaviour of the system no matter what happens
precisely in the subparts: this global behaviour is the integration of all
internal adaptations.
3.1 Predictions for a system
Equations E-1 & E-2 can be used.
The first thing to find out is which measurable
parameter is the best one to reflect the global ageing or evolution of the
system under scope. Often, several parameters are available. Experience teaches
us which parameters can be used. Examples of such parameters are (see also the
examples in Chapter 5): a
cumulative number of failures, a growth parameter, any parameter known as reflecting
variations in ageing level, like: resistance, force, strength, rapidity
of reaction, deformation, etc. as they are defined in the different sciences. We
will call this parameter the "evolution parameter" - E(t) in Equation E-1.
The second thing to check is whether the operational
constraints "stress S", "organization W" and "temperature
T" are - at least in average - constant.
The third thing to know is the order of magnitude of
the timescale for the ageing or evolution process under scope.
When these three points are
defined, the evolution parameter must be measured at successive time intervals
significant with regard to the timescale (eg. tenths or hundredths of the
timescale). The values of a, b and K are
found by fitting the resulting curve with Equation E-1. The more experimental
measurements are available, the better the fitting. Statistical means are used
when there is some scattering. As soon as the value of a has stabilized,
one can predict the critical time where the system's behaviour may become
instable, i.e. the system may cease to operate as a whole. See several examples of fitting using Equation E-1.
As already seen, when critical points exist for systems, an
alternative equation can be used to predict them. One just takes Equation E-1
rewritten in normalized form:

Again, it is sufficient to record the values of the
evolution parameter at successive time intervals to find "Ei", "ti" and "b". Several
examples (see Figures 8, 9 and 10 ) show that the values of the
predicted parameters "Ei" and "ti" may stabilize sufficiently soon to allow useful
predictions. The predicted times "ti" are plotted against the successive times at
which the predictions were made. A plateau is reached after a while. The value
of "ti" that is
ultimately adopted is that of the intersection of the plateau with the straight
line "ti=t". This
value can be approximated from the plateau value at about 80% to 90% of ti in the
examples shown. The approximation is the better the more time has elapsed.
It is noteworthy that parameters of Equations E-1 or E-6 are not defined from the beginning.
They are fixed progressively with time as the adaptations proceed. No
system will exactly behave as another one. There are small local differences
in stress, temperature and organization and, even if they occur at levels several
orders of magnitude below that of the system operating as a whole, due to the
kinetics of the adjustments and the irreversibility of time, the
differences will accumulate resulting in different evolution or ageing histories. However, after a
time, the values of a and b will
become fixed for a given system. It
is easy to know when. Indeed, the curve corresponding to the
derivative of Equation E-1 passes through a minimum at a time
"t2" given by
Equation (4). a and b are then fixed and the
critical time "ti" can be deduced. It is interesting to notice
that t2/ti only depends on
b. Figure 12 shows the variation of
with b. As b is usually comprised between 0.15 and 0.65 (Smith,1988,
Crevecoeur,1992), the
critical time t2/ti will lie between
about 4 to 6.4 times t2.
3.2 Predictions for a class of systems
In spite of different evolution
stories, similar systems will statistically behave about the same way
under the same constraints. We speak here of global behaviours resulting in
similar evolution timescales. For instance, the creep of a steel at 1250°C (1523
K) will be of the order of a few seconds, while human life will be counted
in decades. Therefore, when diagrams of the kind shown in Figure 13, giving for a class of systems
the average value of the critical time in function of the stress and the
temperature, are available, the critical time of a particular system pertaining
to the class can be assessed from its operating constraints. Of course, in order
to build diagrams of the kind of Figure 13, one must test several systems under
rigourous operating conditions throughout their whole lifetime. For instance, to
check the influence of temperature in a class of systems, one will first have to
select several systems having the same organization "W". Then one has to
submit these systems to exactly the same operational stress "S" maintained constant
during their whole lifetime. Finally, this has to be done at a different
temperature "T" for each system and again the
temperature must be maintained constant during the whole lifetime of the system.
This is not always possible: either because it is beyond our testing
capabilities, or because there are too few systems, or for ethical reasons, etc.
In addition, the sampling should be wide enough to allow validation through
statistical analysis (average, standard deviation, etc.) And, last but not
least, the stress resulting from operating is not always well defined or cannot
exactly be reproduced for each equivalent system. Therefore, the availability of
diagrams of the kind shown in Figure 13 is the exception. Anyway, in some cases,
such diagrams exist and their number can only increase with the accumulation of
experiments. One good example is the creep of metals because samples are abundant,
the process of creep testing is well mastered and many tests have been performed
for decades. But diagrams can also be obtained for other classes of systems when
abundant series are available: devices manufactured in series(engines, etc.),
populations of cells, bacteria, etc.
4. Other relationships derived from the
Exponential and power (sometimes called "polynomial") laws are found
in several fields, eg. reliability, creep, biology and cosmology. In mechanical
system's reliability, an exponential law was
proposed by Cox & Lewis (1966), while a
power law was used to describe the learning curve
(Duane,1964). In creep, one has, for instance, the power law
given by Andrade(1910,1962) for the
primary creep and the exponential law of Cottrell in the fifties. In addition,
several well-known equations in creep (Norton,
Monkman-Grant, Booker & al.) are found back using the theory. Also in
biology, mortality rates are described either using an exponential law (Gompertz law,1825) or Weibull's equation
(1951) for the failure rate, which, as already seen, is a power law. Finally, the two types of laws
describing an evolution kinetics (exponential and polynomial) are also
encountered in the time variation of the expansion parameter "R(t)" as deduced
from several cosmological models: see the exponential models of Guth (1981), Albrecht & Steinhardt
(1982) for an inflationary universe and several others (De Sitter,
Dirac, Hoyle, Bondi etc.), while the classical model for the radiation-dominated
era and the Einstein-De Sitter model give power laws. Equation E-1 can therefore be
seen as conciliating both polynomial and exponential behaviours: power laws are
found back when "a" is neglected, exponential laws when "b" is
5. Examples where the approach may be used
Let us see
what observation teaches us. We have already seen that the system
evolution kinetics approach could apply in several fields. They are recalled
Mechanical systems
Biology and Darwinian evolution
More fields of application might
be found in the future. Let us anyway quote some connexions to theoretical
concepts (self-organized criticality, Boltzmann's entropy, minimum entropy
production theorem of Prigogine, etc.) in following item:
Statistical thermodynamics
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